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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Berge walkerUnterzeichnet: 21:12, 02/05/2015
"I recently started researching this subject due to the current events taking place in my country. My father had always warned me of the ways of this world and it really frustrates me when i analyze the current state of humanity as a whole. This invitation to a common sense idea of life is without question a plan that must be implemented to insure our very existence. I am vowing to spread this information to anyone willing to listen. These are common sense morals that i believe wholeheartedly all humans are born with and continue to possess throughout life,this is especially true once you delete the idea of money from the equation. I believe that this is something that can be achieved. I would like to know of anyway possible i can help because I'm ready to apply this new idea of common sense compassion and show the world what we really are made of."

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