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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Shane JohnsonUnterzeichnet: 20:39, 26/09/2016
""Competition is natural to the ignorant, cooperation is natural to the wise" Manly P Hall. Life is ubiquitous no matter how small or how vast the space in between. We are all inextricably connected in the web of life. The vibrations (love or fear) of our actions affect every living thing in some place, at some time, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Living for the future as apposed to fighting to the end can only be accomplished without competition. Money has become a tool of fear used by those who have it to decieve and manipulate those who dont creating the competition for it. Some interesting past on money; some 5,000 years ago the ancient Sumerians wrote on cuneiform "The orphan shall not fall prey to the wealthy, the widow shall not fall prey to the powerful, the man of one shekel shall not fall prey to a man of 60 shekels" and more interesting is the Mayan civilization, whom hold the record of now war for 500 years. They attribute this to having no monetary system. "

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