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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Hossein NabipoorUnterzeichnet: 16:02, 11/12/2017
"Back in summer of 2010, I thought I had just invented the " deinvention of money". Soon I learned that the notion of abolishing money had been around for ages. It was new to me but obviously not to a few others. Ever since, everyone i talked to thought it would be ridiculous to abolish money for once and for good! Hopefully the day will come. What I would propose in order to make it happen is just a little experiment. People like me and those who think like me need to establish a terriroty/little country and just live and work and enjoy life money-free! Once others see that it works everyone will then want to join in. And it will inevitably spread like a cancer across the globe. They will see with their own eyes that it works! I wish to live to see that day. Hossein Nabipoor"

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