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La Carta Del Mundo Libre

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Adrián SosaFirmado: 21:20, 31/05/2017
"If the small island or archipelago that constitutes the U.K. is European than an island such as Cuba is very much American! Therefore a Mexican is American and that word should not just be considered for those born in the United States! I have little faith in people and perhaps this will not work out could we at least use language correctly!!! English as a tool is horrible and I can not see it bringing world peace! The history of the English as much as you want it erased eroded or sugar coated is extremely hypocritical and we don't want any of it. It's not worthy of anything! the only virtue of the English is malice! After all they don't build cathedrals nor anything for humanity only with economic selfish notions in mind!!! "

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