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Povelja slobodnog svijeta

"Učinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Kristopher Day-BurgmeierPotpisao: 18:16, 09/10/2014
"This is perfect in sense. I got such a warm feeling inside when reading this and watching the video which never happens because when I look around me, all I can ever see is poverty, war, suffering, malevolence, and pain. Money creates nothing but persecution and unhappiness but most people cling to it because we have been taught and raised to appreciate money and basically make it our purpose in life: to acquire money. If the root of all evil and suffering in the world were to just disappear, we as a human race could grow to a more intelligent, friendly, benevolent, and just race that enables equality to all. Thank you for teaching this lesson and I would be glad to help support this message. If more people would wake up and see the truth, they would see that all the things that we deal with in life are pointless. We can change the world and make it equal and happy if we really want to, so let's do it."

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