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Povelja slobodnog svijeta

"Učinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Rishi Mehta Potpisao: 00:23, 31/05/2017
"So strange, literally this morning I drafted the following and know stumbled across your site: (Re)Investment trumps saving (hoarding of wealth by the rich and corporations means capital is not being re-employed) Free Markets/Trade trumps corporate tax cuts as it gives rise to competition and best deal for consumers (requires regulators to prevent monopolies forming) Economic growth requires prosperous employment (not zero hour contracts, sub-living wages, in-work poverty) Economic growth requires value creation, i.e. both creativity and making something of value (all else will be automated) Economic growth with prosperous & sustainable consumption per citizen trumps GDP (wasting stuff makes GDP go up, and also doesn't take into account environmental costs or population growth) (There are more points I can't fit...) "

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