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Het Vrije Wereld Handvest

"Laten we alles en iedereen vrij maken"

Lorna RichardGetekend: 05:10, 23/03/2016
"I HAVE A DREAM! In this dream I live in a world without opposites. I live in a world in which all are living from the language of the Heart, the language of true LOVE and not the idea of love. I live in a world in which an individual no longer makes decisions from the fear of not being enough. I live in a world in which an individual no longer makes decisions from the fear of not having enough. A world that understands it is Source and is expressing The One Source and that Source is LOVE! In this world the heart opens to flow the love of its own Source. Living from this Source of Love gives way to a life free of suffering. In this even compassion dissolves for All are living from the truth of their true nature and seeing with the eyes of Divine Love. The body transforms and becomes the expression of IT’S DIVINITY! I DREAMED IT, SO IT ALREADY EXISTS. ALL I NEED DO NOW IS TO Hold This Vibration ALIGNING MY PHYSICAL EXPRESSION WITH IT. "

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