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Het Vrije Wereld Handvest

"Laten we alles en iedereen vrij maken"

Gabriel CanongiaGetekend: 20:27, 14/10/2016
"3D Printing Molecular Manufacturing Automated Indoors Vertical Farming Lab Grown Meat Automation in general to substitute labor We have the pieces, we just need to build the puzzle in a way that no one in the world society can contest it and FORCE it in every single country, to remove EVERY world leader from power and give 100% of the power to the people, even if those very leaders are one drop in the ocean of humans. The system must also have counter measures against "stupid or ill intentioned decisions" and "Mass Manipulation" It also must take into consideration "crime, punishment and reformation" and "impossibility to reform someone that is too broken" WE MUST CHANGE THIS WORLD. FAST."

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