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Het Vrije Wereld Handvest

"Laten we alles en iedereen vrij maken"

Mark EnochGetekend: 10:42, 18/09/2017
"EMAIL: SOCIAL MEDIA: Mark RBE Enoch (facebook), Advertise the RBE (Minds, Steemit, Twitter) SKILLS: Guerrilla advertising, DIY Transition Plan (Fostering generosity, prosocializing), Free Collaboration Networks, Counter PSYOP, Non-violent change and action, Spanish/French/Catalan/English RESOURCES: DIY Transition Plan: DOWNLOADABLES: LOTS OF LINKS AND CONTENT: ABOUT ME Working at CPS (catalyzing a paradigm shift) for 10 years now. I am national coordinator of Spain and Catalonia. Founder of 2 Free Collaboration Networks that are currently providing free resources to hundreds of people, and of the Gift Economy discord server. Cofounder of Copiosis, Freeworldone, ECOS LETS network and Bank of the Commons. "

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