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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 7 signatários de Bermuda

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David DeyAssinou: 02:11, 14/11/2015
"Freedom of consciousness "
Henry ThomasAssinou: 01:17, 29/11/2012
"This is rather inspirational especially as all other forms of religious and political ideologies have failed the inhabitants of the world so miserably. Removing these barriers will make sure make the world a better place."
Cathy StovellAssinou: 18:24, 28/11/2012
Precious DreamingWomanAssinou: 03:05, 03/03/2012
Elaine WhiteAssinou: 14:47, 02/03/2012
Gwendolyn WardAssinou: 16:19, 01/03/2012
"By signing this I am NOT agreeing to be micro chipped under any circumstance. Just sayin'."
Lexy CorreiaAssinou: 00:03, 24/11/2011

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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