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Carta Lumii Eliberate

"Să facem totul gratuit"

Afişarea 3 semnatarilor din Gambia

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Maria-Olga ReisenauerSemnat: 10:09, 26/09/2013
Mary ColeSemnat: 18:03, 19/05/2013
"I sign for myself and my husband, who is by force beyond our control seperated and abandoned from living with me. I believe, that this is an injustice for any human being, concerning all of us. I'm supporting and fighting for a humane world, where all life is free and not artificially depending on money. "
Sai TaalSemnat: 14:02, 11/07/2012

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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