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Carta Lumii Eliberate

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Afişarea 17 semnatarilor din Moldova, Republic of

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Daniel CruseSemnat: 21:33, 12/02/2017
nina TatashaSemnat: 16:36, 25/01/2016
Mihai GuzunSemnat: 14:41, 09/08/2015
Donnik EvanowskySemnat: 15:12, 24/04/2015
Peter ShevSemnat: 14:17, 16/01/2014
Владимир ИвановичSemnat: 09:57, 14/01/2014
"Всем счастья! "
Ion MocanuSemnat: 21:24, 02/08/2013
"I wish us good luck in changing the world! :)"
Gabriela FeraruSemnat: 17:50, 08/04/2013
Herta AlexandruSemnat: 21:00, 01/04/2013
"spero che riusciremmo insieme a cambiare il mondo in meglio!!!"
Gabriela Feraru NicolaeSemnat: 10:20, 01/04/2013
volcu irinaSemnat: 23:37, 03/01/2013
Alex DragSemnat: 14:12, 16/05/2012
Vasile UngureanSemnat: 13:54, 08/03/2012
Ion CebotariSemnat: 09:03, 08/03/2012
Artiom DiSemnat: 17:47, 30/08/2011
Alexandrin BoticaSemnat: 07:52, 30/04/2011
Dorian ChibucSemnat: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Humanity i think is a system. System administration in my understanding is the process of transmitting/receiving the information between its elements . The greater is the speed of informational interchange between the elements of the system - the faster it change to the next level "

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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