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Afişarea 5 semnatarilor din Tanzania, United Republic of

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Kristof De Spiegeleer Semnat: 02:13, 08/07/2022
Lauren SwartSemnat: 08:46, 03/06/2022
"Moving to the UK and would like to work with an organization that works on these principals"
Rose UisoSemnat: 22:03, 14/09/2017
Hilmar HeisterSemnat: 09:47, 19/12/2012
"We share more with each other than we think. We have more in common with each other than we realize. We eat, laugh, love and live in the same world - let us work together to make it the best possible place for us."
Geo MijashiskiSemnat: 21:52, 02/12/2011

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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