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Povelja Slobodnog Sveta

"Načinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Conrad DaveyPotpisani: 12:35, 24/10/2016
"I think the best way to start this is to legally buy some land with 50-100 people who live on it with 100% sustainability. Small houses that they built, water they collect, food they grow and cook and then PROVE how possible and easy a free world will be. If these 50-100 people buy the land, they government can not get involved with this process. Once the public see how amazingly easy it is and how these people live off love and not money, more people will want to join. Offer to these people a small price (which will help buy more land) and then they will never have to live in a money based society every again. This is how to change the world. "

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