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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Antonino GiordanoUndertecknat: 23:37, 23/05/2014
"Since viewed a video of Jaque Fresco 3 years ago, I have told friends and family my desire to move our consciousness toward unconditional Love. This can change the way we live, and eliminating money, debts and free every one from bondage, use the best minds to unite systems and create the best technology possible in every field: transportation, agricultural, marine biology, medical, food production and safety, etc. then produce all we need to live all in abundance. This it is doable, we need desire, man power, and the raw material. The desire is the only missing part of this list, this can be achieved by waking up the masses which are allowing their governments to decide for them. The governments of the west have been taken over by central banks, and corporations, and run their business focusing on greed and acquisition at higher cost of the masses, which continue to loose freedom, peace, health, joy, security, and minds. thank you for putting out this list. The universe Loves you"

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