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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Wijdane AkachkachUndertecknat: 18:31, 18/06/2014
"I love the idea of a world without money, however, I don't think it should be completely "free" and without obligation. There should still be laws to regulate our lives. Remember that life was once free, but we ruined it with our greed and evil; humans are no angels. Additionally, there are certain jobs that still need to be done by certain people; like pilots, engineers, doctors... etc. Who will make it possible to travel long distances, extract raw material, work on and fix the robots/machines, heal people... etc. In general, I think the idea of a financially free world to be very interesting, however, it is not so simple, and it needs to be studied deeply and analyzed from all aspects. "

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