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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Bill BrandoUndertecknat: 04:57, 01/08/2014
"We do not starve, deny, kill others for greed...we do it to ensure others do not have what we have....solve this equation and the world will be set it not and it wont matter if we are the top of the food chain because we are going to destroy every link of it including ourselves. If you want to fix this world we need to fix the governments. We need to make it for the people by the people in all regards, not for the power by the power. We need governments full of scientists not full of politics designed to create the very trap we find ourselves in. This worlds eco system is almost on its knees and we do nothing, and when it falls we arrogant it is to think it will fall long after we are dead, but worse to know it will fall on our kids or grandchildren..Very coward to leave the destruction to your own flesh and blood rather than fix the issue with your own hands and hearts."

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