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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Laura LlewellynUndertecknat: 12:43, 26/08/2014
"I agree to all but one thing...everyone, old young, and disabled, have something to contribute. I think that work comes in many forms and everyone is obligated to contribute to the whole. The old and feeble tell stories and share knowledge, even if they are ill. If we stop seeing that as a contribution, then we disempower those people and they suffer. I am passionate about changing how people live, so I use my education and experience to create change within our system. unless we show a better way, no one will change. You can't wipe the slate, you evolve. I am working with other architects to design sustainable communities as current day style land developments, but with important distinctions to create an internal socioeconomic system that sustains a community as a whole, instead of segregated by family. I have also founded a consulting cooperative designed to combine the efforts of many to share work and income and remove the 9-5. Please contact me, I want all the help we can get. "

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