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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Péter TakácsUndertecknat: 13:34, 07/11/2014
""I don’t think the primary purpose of your life, of my life, and the entirety of the human race is just to blindly consume to support a failing economy and a faulty system for ever and ever until we run out of every resource and have to resort to blowing each other up to ensure our own survival. I don’t think we’re supposed to sit by idle while we continue to use a long outdated system that produces war, poverty, collusion, corruption, ruins our environment and threatens every aspect of our health, and does nothing but divide and segregate us. I don’t think how much military equipment we’re selling to other countries, how many hydrocarbons we’re burning, how much money is being printed and exchanged is a good measure of how healthy our society is. But I do think I can speak for everyone when I say… WE'RE SICK OF THIS SHIT!""

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