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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Jadon HatleyUndertecknat: 06:17, 16/09/2015
"I feel it's very necessary to address how such things use of technologies/goods for recreation and travel to any destination will work within a resource based economy in a wholly free world. The reason I feel it necessary to be addressed here is because 1) many people will see this and not The Venus Project, which offers answers to these questions, and automatically be turned off by a lack of explanation in terms of recreation, assuming it would be limited, and rather stick with a system which they know allows them such things if they just work for it. And 2) everything being in one concise area, fully explained, right next to where they sign, would make everything that much more legitimate and appealing to all who are willing to think logically. Another valuable additive could be the connection to crime and money. Almost entirely, no money=no crime. Yes there are many details which are hard to cover entirely, but many people will not back something this big without a foolproof design."

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