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The Free World Charter

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Ben BooherUndertecknat: 04:07, 16/05/2016
"I have been thinking about this for a while, and I am happy there is a group and movement towards this. I have a few questions. What are your views on eating other animals responsibly? The staple of our diet should be fruits and vegetables, however eating meat responsibly (not at the current consumption and inhuman treatment of them) is beneficial to human growth and development. Being a military veteran, I know there are powerful people out there that do not want this to happen. They currently keep society where it is while manipulating the masses. My concern is if their way of life is threatened by a movement such as this how will it be handled? They have no limits, so my worry is how will things change without a revolution of which I don't see how people will not be at war with each other again. I have more questions as well, but do not have more characters for more questions. Please contact me."

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