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The Free World Charter

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Visar 781 Underskrifter från Croatia

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Milena BeniniUndertecknat: 16:25, 16/05/2013
Daniel CvjetićaninUndertecknat: 11:49, 16/05/2013
"This is a great idea and I myself been thinking a lot past few years about it and gotta say , you gonna have problems. This technology will still have to be maintained and there are still jobs like education and health systems and many more that will still require human touch. If I have everything I want and dont need to work , why the hell would I want to work , maybe boredom , for a while , so people that work , after some time will get pissed at the people that dont work and clam that they deserve more than the others.You got to realize that we humans are a race with lots and lots of complexes of self value which is the reason we have money in the first place. You will have to have some kind of a system at least transitional because people are afraid of changes. To get from where we are now , to where you suggest we are going to have many years of hard work , change , and behavior modification.Idea is great , now I want to see have to make it happen. Best regards Daniel "
Ivan OreškovićUndertecknat: 11:09, 16/05/2013
Milivoi KrkovicUndertecknat: 20:59, 15/05/2013
Marko BrekaloUndertecknat: 18:46, 15/05/2013
Marko AntolićUndertecknat: 11:04, 15/05/2013
IVA KLEPECUndertecknat: 22:31, 14/05/2013
Pavao ReljićUndertecknat: 22:22, 14/05/2013
Petar PosavecUndertecknat: 18:45, 02/05/2013
"This video is an excellent 'in a nutshell' introduction to Resource Based Economy and The Venus Project. AIMS are the same. But we definitely need to expose the global population first to these ideas, as well to relevant general education, critical thinking and problem solving skills, and introduce a transitional system of about 10 years (technologically however, it would be possible to change the planet into this world in less than 10 years). Lets learn from our past mistakes and make this happen. "
Vlado GasperovUndertecknat: 20:52, 27/04/2013
"Čuo sam za ovu povelju, potpisujem je drage volje, iako moram reći, da je čovječanstvo vrlo daleko od toga da shvati povelju, usvoji je i pridržava je se. "
Diana BečeheliUndertecknat: 15:13, 27/04/2013
davorka barišićUndertecknat: 14:41, 25/04/2013
saša bačaniUndertecknat: 21:05, 12/04/2013
"nadam se da če to postati i moje sutra"
Nino WesleyUndertecknat: 12:15, 04/04/2013
Milivoi KrkovicUndertecknat: 09:46, 29/03/2013
Patrik FrljićUndertecknat: 15:00, 28/03/2013
Mirko MaricUndertecknat: 17:10, 27/03/2013
"For the better world,all together...."
Sven ŠkarićUndertecknat: 15:21, 27/03/2013
Tin MiladinovićUndertecknat: 14:02, 27/03/2013
"It's sad that only the existence of a large mass of idiots that would run amock if let to their own devices...but that kind of behaviour has a tendency to drop as it's futility gives in way to wanting to contribute. :-) There might still be hope :-)"
Andrej ŽuškinUndertecknat: 12:39, 27/03/2013
Dubravka KontakUndertecknat: 07:25, 27/03/2013
Dorotea ŠvrakaUndertecknat: 22:20, 26/03/2013
Klaudio KolarUndertecknat: 14:34, 25/03/2013
Velibor GrdicUndertecknat: 11:39, 24/03/2013
Goran BabicUndertecknat: 18:50, 23/03/2013
Lucija StojkovićUndertecknat: 18:08, 23/03/2013
Ivan LugomerUndertecknat: 17:50, 23/03/2013
Dario ŠimatićUndertecknat: 15:46, 23/03/2013
Eugen GujićUndertecknat: 15:29, 23/03/2013
Ferhad TucoUndertecknat: 14:56, 23/03/2013
Damir PaićUndertecknat: 18:48, 17/03/2013
"what a wonderful world this would be"
Branislav RebićUndertecknat: 13:39, 12/03/2013
"This is an action worth of praise, but I'm afraid creating such a world wouldn't be an easy task at all. Contrary to what you're stating, the money didn't emerge by chance, but is a well-planned weapon against the people of Earth, weapon which is created to enslave the people and to keep them in slavery. That's the reason why I'm thinking that removing the money from the face of Earth would be a death-defying task, as those who created, who invented the money and are using it to gain power over the people of the world surely wouldn't abandon it just becouse we'll kindly ask them to do that. If you really are serious in trying to bring this money-based and driven system down and replace it with some more human and natural one, then prepare for a long and bloody battle, becouse without battle, those who are ruling this system and world won't step down. And in this battle, you can count on me, too!"
Dubravka Čapek-GalašUndertecknat: 10:42, 28/02/2013
Mirela PetrovićUndertecknat: 13:03, 27/02/2013
Hana Hegedusic Undertecknat: 12:56, 27/02/2013
Marko KovačevićUndertecknat: 08:31, 27/02/2013
Matija KezeleUndertecknat: 21:50, 26/02/2013
"Thank you for this video and I hope that the Earth will come a better place for everyone... "
Sinisa KovacUndertecknat: 12:34, 25/02/2013
Kornelije ĐurasUndertecknat: 11:09, 24/02/2013
"I would really love to see the world become like this!"
Zvonimir StipetićUndertecknat: 10:56, 21/02/2013
Dubravko KušecUndertecknat: 13:45, 15/02/2013
Marin JunušićUndertecknat: 07:32, 15/02/2013
"We have to start with something. This Principles are what we need to remind us what is our main direction and when we can say that we are intelligent species. "
Dunja DrakslerUndertecknat: 11:51, 10/02/2013
charlie sheenUndertecknat: 01:01, 27/01/2013
Vanja Calija ZoppolatoUndertecknat: 08:10, 26/01/2013
ljiljana buterin cikošUndertecknat: 02:09, 24/01/2013
Ivančica LovašenUndertecknat: 19:20, 22/01/2013
Tea PacalošUndertecknat: 17:27, 22/01/2013
Josip MeštrovićUndertecknat: 13:03, 22/01/2013
Ivana PardovickiUndertecknat: 12:00, 22/01/2013

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