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Doris Pincus已簽署: 14:23, 27/04/2015
"Love to have a Free World I agree equality to be as one as a community to help one another out for each other make our world grow and become a better world that we don't have to suffer for the less fortunate have to suffer we can grow and be a better world if only our government start to become as one and not against one another because we are killing one another we are Dying we are not growing everything is a competition everything is power why can Our world just be as one we can overcome make our lives much happier at the end of all this we all need each other so why can't we be Free of all these barriers and chains they put upon us why do some people can have a fulfilled life and others can 't that's not what we are here for we are here to grow together we are here to learn from one another help each other to grow to prosper it will be such a better world and life for us all we all do our part Love to have a Free world ."


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